受賞作品紹介 Winning Works|ニセコ町長賞 Mayor of Niseko Town Awards


ニセコ町長賞  Mayor of Niseko Town Awards

部門1 Division I


Crab Dancing to the Rhythm

豊野 真弓(徳島県/Tokushima, Japan)


Firstly, I was stunned by the ability of positioning the square shell and moving legs of the crab on the surface, and secondly, by the beautiful texture that is as if painted by a seasoned western painter.


部門2 Division II


Cat Lying on Its Back and Moving

豊野 綾(徳島県/Tokushima, Japan)


There were a lot of drawings of cats, but this was the only one with a cat lying on its back. The sharp claws and hairy body—this cat is portrayed as one wild animal and it draws the viewers into its free-spiritedness.


部門3 Division III

風吹けば(If the Wind Blows

瀬古澤 大翔(茨城県/Ibaraki, Japan)


I was overwhelmed by the poetic expression of a spider lily blown in the wind. The intense mood softens as the eye reaches the top and gives viewers all kinds of emotions.